homemade face wash
City Living, Simple Living

Simple Living Part Four: Homemade Face Wash

Here is one of my favorite experiments so far: homemade face wash!!

So confession: I don’t always wash my face. Especially if I don’t wear make-up that day. It’s just a pain. Call me lazy or unhygienic – whatever. ALSO, I hate buying face wash because it can get expensive (I am super cheap, have I mentioned this??).
But, I’m not going to lie… Once I made this stuff, I wash my face almost everyday. MOSTLY because it has natural oils that remove makeup AND it’s all natural ingredients (not to mention cheap and lasts a long time).

homemade facewash


This recipe comes from a very productive play date a friend and I had a month ago to make some amazing natural goods. SO, I’ve been using the face wash since then, and I really like it. It’s different than a face wash you would buy from the store because there is no lather, which I’ll admit was weird at first. But because the base is coconut oil, it can also be used as a makeup remover.

1 cup coconut oil

1 tbsp baking soda

5 drops lavender essential oil

5 drops frankincense essential oil

5 drops lemon essential oil

Glass jar


1. Melt the coconut oil in a pan over low heat

2. Once melted, remove from heat and add in the remaining ingredients.

3. Store in a glass jar and keep it in a cool place.


See? Super easy!

(Hint: when I use it, I normally just scrap a little bit off and rub all over my face, then rinse.)

Simple Living Philosophy

Ok, now I just have to share some simple living philosophy that’s been bouncing around in my head for a few weeks now… mostly because if I don’t write it down, it will just disappear into my brain.

So, I really enjoy learning about living simply.

If I’m completely honest, is mostly because I’m a woman and I need something to control :) Better this than my husband’s schedule, am I right??

Just kidding (mostly). But really, making something useful from scratch, that you can make again and again, with very little ingredients…. doesn’t that just feel nice to you?? It makes me feel empowered and happy – like if for some reason grocery stores stopped carrying face wash (drastic I know, but whatever), than I would be OK.

However, I don’t want to fall into the trap that if I can make everything from scratch that my life will automatically be different/better. We all know I’m not actually in control of a whole lot in life by creating these products from scratch. In the end, it won’t really matter if I use store bought face wash or I make my own to avoid chemicals: I will still get sick every once in awhile, and the possibility for major illness is still there, despite all my attempts to thwart it. Life is bigger than that and there have been so many people before me that have already done what I am doing, and they didn’t solve the meaning to life, or find a “cure all” for all sickness.

Makes me think of those super encouraging words in Ecclesiastes,

What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.

I say that sarcastically, and yet I think I mean it. There is something comforting about the fact that everything I am doing (philosophically) has already been done. I’m not inserting anything new into this time and place that hasn’t been done before. I feel like that should be depressing, but it’s not. At least not right now. I’ll take it :)

Anyways, I would love to hear your “simple living philosophy”, even if it differs from my own. Teach me something new people!

Also, let me know if you make the homemade face wash, I want to know how it works with other skin types!


Edens Garden Essential Oils

* I am not super partial to a specific brand of essential oils. I tend to lean towards using Eden’s Garden  because of the affordable pricing. (I get nothing for recommending them, just a warm heart knowing that more people know about affordable essential oils)

(homemade face wash recipe is from Dr. Axe)

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